policy-researchResearch, as defined by Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 46, is a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. Obtaining and analyzing data are essential to the usual practice of public health.

HPRC’s Policy Research is aimed at strengthening access to care; improving health care for low-income, medically-underserved, and vulnerable populations; and strengthening the health care safety net. We also strive to reduce health disparities by improving cultural competencies, supporting health care professionals to successful treat patients in disparate communities with compassion and care, and upgrading health information technology. This will aid in tackling complex problems that are found at the intersection of public health and health care. Our research scope will span Prince George’s County, Maryland; the DMV Tri-State area; and Region III. Our goal is to create healthy changes in the lives of disadvantaged people through policy research, analysis, evaluation, and recommendation.

The HPRC (TCC) focuses on health policy research and the interplay between policy and health disparities. Public and private-sector policies and practices have great potential to influence minority health and health disparities in positive and negative ways. Research that identifies successful strategies to reduce health disparities is unlikely to have a substantial impact unless it can directly inform and shape policy and practice.